We have been very busy lately settling into our new home and new life, but I have a quick minute and I want to give an update on how the adoption is coming along. We could REALLY use your continued prayers for the entire situation. We are running into delays and issues that may lead to more delays. We have a court date set for April 21st, and if all goes well, Kayla will legally be our daughter by the end of the day. Unfortunately, the courts have only been passing 50% of adoptions that are presented to them. Assuming that this hurdle is passed, we will be traveling 5 weeks later, unless they choose to do a TB test on Kayla before we can take her into the country. If this happens, it will take an extra 8 weeks just to get the results back from the test. All this to say, we are longing to bring our baby home as soon as we possibly can (the soonest date at this point would be end of May)! Our prayers are that God would bring about a speedy process from here on out! Also, as always, we are praying for Kayla's continued health and safety!