It looks like our homestudy has been written up by our social worker and sent to our agency for review. This means we are moving forward! When the homestudy is approved by our agency we will then be ready to send off our complete dossier. After the dossier is sent and approved then we will wait for a referral. During this waiting period we are trying to prepare on the home front. I have been decorating the girls' room. This morning Bryant and I were hanging butterflies from their ceiling. I am very pleased with how the room is turning out! Above is a picture of the curtains I made. Along with decorating, we have gotten a totally cool double stroller (I use it with Bryant and Lana now) as well as a second crib. The big purchase we will have to make before the baby comes is a minivan. Goodbye compact parking, cute car, and zipping around corners, and hello to practical Mommy! We have been keeping busy, but we are very excited to once again be moving ahead in the adoption process!
Great job on the curtains, Jamie! I bet their room is going to look really cute! :-) How does Bryant seem to be taking this in (if any)? I am glad to be able to read about progress on the blog, and you all are keeping up with it nicely. Hope you enjoy the future minivan! I'm pretty much hooked on ours now. :-)
Love ya!
Congratulations! We are happy for you!
We have a broken down beat up '97 Honda Odyssey we'll give you if you move to Alabama. :-)
Josh & Tara
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