On Wednesday I took Blake to see the Hematologist. We were actually admitted to a children's hospital to have this appointment which took me a little by surprise. Apparently, Blake has abnormalities in his blood and that is part of why the doctor in Utah was concerned. The Hematologist confirmed the abnormalities after taking blood from Blake and looking at it under a microscope. They needed a lot of blood, for other tests, so they took it from a vein instead of from the foot. This was rather traumatic for both Blake and I. Once that was done, Lana needed to go to the bathroom so I found the restroom and we waited for our turn to use it. As we stood outside the bathroom I started talking with a father I had seen earlier, who had a baby the same age as Blake. He was sympathising with me about Blake having blood drawn when I asked him where his baby girl was. It was then that he told me that she was in a room down the hall getting her chemo treatment. I was shocked to think of such a tiny baby needing chemo and what this poor father must be experiencing. At that moment the bathroom door opened and out came a little girl about Bryant's age. The girl was bald, had a stint in her chest, and was attached to an IV. She smiled as she passed and tried to give Lana high five. I had us quickly use the bathroom and head back to our room, feeling the urge to leave a place with so much sorrow. The doctor came in a few minutes later and explained that he believed Blake's blood issues would be very minor and would very possibly completely resolve in another month (he said this is not uncommon in African American children). The doctor also said that if Blake has G6PD, it should not interfere with his living a normal life. He described it as a very minor blood disorder. Shortly after this we were able to leave the hospital and head home. I fought tears as I drove thinking of the wonderful holiday season ahead for us with our four healthy children and the anguish and pain of the families we were leaving at the hospital. Those families were not worrying about whether their turkey would be fully defrosted in time or whether the pies would be made. Those families were just trying to make the most of the days they still had with their children. Tears come to my eyes as I write and I am reminded of just how incredibly God has blessed our family. It is with a very grateful heart that I can say 'thank you Lord for our beautiful, healthy children'!
Grateful for good news for Blake and your family. My heart aches for those who deal with serious health issues for their children. Praising the Lord for the good news and praying for those at the hospital.
God is good! Praying for you all and so glad that all looks to be ok.
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