1. A combination of the two words boy and spoiled.
2. The word spoy is used to describe a particularly adorable baby boy who expects to be held/played with every waking moment of the day. An example of a spoy is a baby who is laughing and smiling on his play mat, perfectly content, until all members of his family disappear from visual range. A spoy will wait approximately 10 seconds, looking in all directions, before his lower lip will jut forward and tears fill his eyes. At this point if a spoy does not receive immediate attention then he will burst into loud protest.
3. The family of a spoy are quite helpless, because they are completely in love with these delightful creatures.
Here are pictures of a spoy just so you understand how a spoy becomes a spoy.
Wow, he is growing. I'm sure we have all contributed to the creation of the spoy. Spoys rule!!
How precious!!
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