This is a picture of the girls in our 'earthquake' chair. This fun old chair has been a source of many wild rides and laughter by our kids. Gary started a game with Bryant a couple years ago where he would shake the chair (with Bryant sitting in it) and call it an earthquake. The game has evolved and now includes hurricanes.
For those of you who are interested, I am going to share some of my thoughts on our little Kayla and how she is adjusting to her new life. Kayla has such a sweet, mellow personality. She sleeps through the night (some of you may remember the horrors of sleep deprivation we went through with our first 2), she plays well by herself or with her siblings, she eats well, she rarely cries but smiles quickly and has the cutest deep belly laugh! She is a delight to us all and is already deeply loved by her brother and sister. I am continually amazed as I look at her that God would give us such a sweet gift! We went into this process with hearts ready to love the unlovely, yet God has blessed us tenfold instead! We are truly rejoicing at God's good gifts to us!
We just couldn't rejoice more with you guys! Hmmm . . . we called it the tornado chair - need to revise that, I guess. (smile)
What a precious sight! They're beautiful! We're so happy that Bryant and Lana get along so well with Kayla and that she is adjusting to you all so quickly. We can't wait to meet her and hear her "deep belly laugh"!
Thanks for sharing!
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