During one of our first nights in Ethiopia with Kayla, I pulled her into bed with me because she was fussy and I decided to give her a bottle. As we snuggled down in bed we both dozed off to sleep. A couple hours later Gary and I were fully awake and surprised to find our baby girl had completely made herself at home in our bed. These pictures were taken only minutes later as we were discussing how we should get our bed back. Do we risk waking the baby or do we try to sleep scrunched up at the foot of the bed? I think Gary gave up on further sleep and called it a night and I scrunched up with Kayla for another hour. I am happy to say that since we arrived home from Ethiopia Kayla has slept quite peacefully in her own bed!
Hey, this is how Mrs. Moogly (Cindy) looks when I wake up in the morning! :-)
Precious story and pics.
How sweet!! Josiah love to sleep like this too. I can´t belive she sleeps so well.
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