For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jer 29:11)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Some concerns

The birth mother has the stomach flu bug and they are sending her back to her lodgings near the hospital.  We do not have details, but I have never heard of a woman being induced for 20 hours and then sent home.  Also, typically if you have a fever and are really ill (at 9 months pregnant and already high risk) the best place to be would be in the hospital being monitored.  We are praying that this is not a money issue for the hospital or a push from the agency so they can go home and sleep.  We are praying that the baby will be safe and the mother as well.  With so few details my mind is running to some really scary possiblities, God is giving yet another opportunity to trust Him.  This is out of our hands.  The rumor right now is that they will not induce again until Friday.  I will update if I hear more.

Still in labor

Our birth mother was induced last night (I have never heard of scheduling someone to be induced at night before).  The poor girl has been in labor all night and the baby still has not come.  We do not know any details, but we are praying that her labor would pick up quickly and she would be able to give birth soon and naturally. 

 Bryant has been doing school this morning and Gary has been trying to work.  We will take a break soon and go to Chick-Fil-A for lunch.  They have the play equipment that Bryant can work out some pent up energy on.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday update

We spent an enjoyable day in Utah staying close to the hotel in the morning and then doing a little sight seeing in the afternoon, we actually had to stop the car to let a buffalo cross the road in front of us!   We spoke with our social worker here who met with the birth mother and our family last night, apparently she had a really nasty stomach bug all last night.  We are praying the birth mother stays healthy, as well as our family.  The birth mother should be going to the hospital soon to be induced.  Another piece of news we found out is that she has been a high risk pregnancy and that is part of why they are inducing her tonight.  I believe we will not be allowed to visit the hospital until after the 24 hours after birth has passed and the birth mother signs relinquishment papers.  Emotionally, today God has been reminding us of His goodness and giving us opportunity to enjoy being together as a family.  We are so glad that Bryant is here with us, his five year old excitement with life is exhilarating!  God has blessed us so much in so many ways.  Thank you for your prayers, support, and encouraging comments!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Tonight we had the privilege of meeting our son's birth mother.  We met a young woman who was mature enough and loved her baby enough to give him to someone else to raise.  Her life circumstances are such that she could not realistically care for this baby, physically or emotionally.  Never the less, this is obviously the most difficult decision she has ever had to make.  After visiting and eating, our social worker was ready to head home to her family so we said 'goodbye'.  The word felt so inadequate when we are talking to a woman who we may never see again, and who will be delivering and then entrusting us with her child. By the time we climbed in and closed the door to the car I had completely lost it.  I was sobbing for several minutes before Gary and I could talk.  My heart wanted so much for this mother to somehow not have to give up her baby.  Gary reminded me that we would not be able to change her circumstances even if we tried and that if we were not adopting this precious baby either he would be in foster care or someone else would adopt him.  We can offer him a stable family and best of all he will grow up learning about the Lord.  Tonight it is with joy and sorrow that I now look at the adorable baby things we have for our little guy.  I am so grateful to the Lord for the brave sacrifice that this mother is making for our baby boy.  Please continue to pray, not only for us, but for each member involved in this process.  The birth mother will have 24 hours after the birth before she will sign papers finalizing her relinquishment.  We are waiting with open hands to see what the Lord is doing.

Leaving to pick up baby!!

Just a quick  note to say we are packing up the car and should be leaving in just a few minutes.  The car looks super cozy on this cold day, and we are bringing home baby, isn't God good?!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Slight change in plans

We talked with the Utah agency last night and they explained that the birth mother would really like to meet us before she gives birth.  We have agreed to drive up tomorrow and meet her for dinner.  This was unexpected since initially we did not think she wanted any contact with us.  Today we will be packing up and getting ready to leave in the morning.  Bryant will be going with us, he has been praying for this little baby for 2 years now.  We are still in such awe at God's timing and goodness in all of this!  Thank you for your prayers!

We had a quieter day yesterday and even enjoyed a snowball fight with some friends.  Grandma has quite a throw!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Taking a breath

We talked with our agency last night and they said the mother has been having contractions, but has not been progressing.  She is not in the hospital at this time.  The doctor has decided to wait until Sunday and then induce her.  We still need to be all packed and ready to go in case her labor progresses naturally.  It is nice to know that this will be happening soon and yet not feel quite as rushed.  The agency we are working with is located in northern Utah (about 8 hours away) and we will be driving.  Today we will be relaxing a little by getting together with some friends and then I need to go buy a new infant car seat.  We were warned last night the hospital often inspects car seats and requires that they be under 5 years or they will not release the baby.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

False Alarm?

We were told last night at about 9:00 that the birth mother was possibly going into labor and they were going to take her to the hospital.  Gary and I scrambled around a little last night to throw some things in bags and talk through plans with Mom, Dad, Chris, and Kellie (we have such an amazingly supportive family!).  We still have not heard yet how the night played out, but we are getting ready to leave at short notice.  Wow, this is really happening!  Did I mention we are having a snow storm!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Update

We just found out that the birth mother is 3 centimeters dilated, so this baby could come anytime!!  So exciting, I could be holding my new baby in just a few days!!  Please pray that we really would be prepared.  We also could be gone longer than we originally thought, apparently up to 2 weeks is not uncommon, although as short as 4 days is possible.  The possibility of being gone more than a few days has really taken us by surprise.  That would be a long time for Gary to be away from work and we have never left the kids this long before (Our trip to Ethiopia was the last time we were away and we were gone less than a week).  We are praying about taking at least one child with us.

I am off to get ready for the day!  My parents fly in this morning, God's timing is so amazing!  Dad and I are already scheduled to spend the afternoon shopping so I can get everything needed if we left on short notice. I am marveling and rejoicing at how God has arranged all of these little details and how he has chosen this baby for us!  We could not be more in awe and thrilled!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


We recived an email last night from an agency in Utah saying they may have a situation for us and to call in the morning.  The email sounded so promising that I hardly slept at all last night (I felt like a 5 year old the night before Christmas).  After talking with the agency today and getting all the information we could, Gary and I felt so peaceful and excited.  We are going forward and have agreed to match with this birth mother.  Is this really happening?!!  I cannot give too many details over the computer, but the baby will be multi racial and probaby healthy.  The Utah agency needed to find a match for this mother right away and we were an unmatched couple who would be a fit for this baby.  The mother is due in 4 weeks, but there is a chance he may come early.  We are so excited, I have felt giddy all morning!  God is so gracious, even when we are weak He still chooses to  give us such good gifts!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Gorgeous fall hike

This was a really cool grasshopper that Lana kept catching and then losing as it would hop out of her hands.  I finally agreed to just take a picture of it instead of taking it home with us.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Some thoughts

This has been a challenging season for me to practice trusting God and His timing.  We continue to be so excited about the upcoming adoption, but I wrestle with not knowing if we might be bringing baby home next week or in 6 months.  I love to be prepared and this is testing my peace daily.  At the recommendation of our social worker I have been contacting agencies to see if they have any possible situations that would be a fit for us.  On Monday we were made aware of a birth mother in California who would be delivering in the next few weeks.  This morning I was notified that the birth mother was no longer available.  These ups and downs have been tough.  What I keep preaching to myself is that God has my baby already chosen and the time of his arrival is also already planned.  My part is to rest and trust God as I continue to actively seek out situations.

Psalm 9:10
And those who know your name put their trust in you,
for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.

Bryant took above the picture of 'the girls'.

Saturday, October 1, 2011