For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. (Jer 29:11)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Update

We just found out that the birth mother is 3 centimeters dilated, so this baby could come anytime!!  So exciting, I could be holding my new baby in just a few days!!  Please pray that we really would be prepared.  We also could be gone longer than we originally thought, apparently up to 2 weeks is not uncommon, although as short as 4 days is possible.  The possibility of being gone more than a few days has really taken us by surprise.  That would be a long time for Gary to be away from work and we have never left the kids this long before (Our trip to Ethiopia was the last time we were away and we were gone less than a week).  We are praying about taking at least one child with us.

I am off to get ready for the day!  My parents fly in this morning, God's timing is so amazing!  Dad and I are already scheduled to spend the afternoon shopping so I can get everything needed if we left on short notice. I am marveling and rejoicing at how God has arranged all of these little details and how he has chosen this baby for us!  We could not be more in awe and thrilled!


Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

that is SO exciting!! yay!!
can you email me at we're a lifeline waiting family and i have a question for you! :-)

Peggy said...

Will you be in Northern Utah? We are headed there tomorrow! Praying for you and your new baby!